Whatever Happened to David Poon: The relaunch of the Poon Blog, the reintroduction of David Poon
To Breathe: A Pseudo Eulogy to Dr. Gary McPherson, a mentor who will be missed.
What I Miss About High School. A Card to You. For a Nostalgic Christmas?
David Poon: Forever Longing. A tale about Chinatown, Canada Day, and Family.
A little heartbeat. David's first kiss. Surprisingly not his last. Really. Really? Maybe.
Smile: A Cute Korean Girl Brings Me Food
What I Learned From Fiction
Prelude: A Post That Was Originally the Beginning of a Later Post
What I Learned From Fiction: The David of Zur-En-Arrh: How Comic Books Shape My Life
- First Half: How Comic Books Change Poon
- Second Half: Why David Poon is Batman
Project David Doesn't Sleep: An Odyssey in Mastering Sleep Hygiene
The Greatest Experiment Known to Man